Maintaining synthetic turf is easy! Save time and money by not having to mow, fertilize, or heavily water your lawn to have a lush green yard. Synthetic turf cleanup is simple, effective, and fast!

The amount of maintenance required depends on your specific situation. If there are pets and/or children or are surrounded by trees, your landscape might require a little more cleanup effort.

Clear Debris

Use a rake or leaf blower to clear off fallen leaves, branches, and other debris that may land on top of the artificial turf.

Pet cleanup

Artificial grass is safe for pets and cleaning up their solid waste is just as easy as on real grass. Plastic bags and pooper scoopers work just fine! In addition, weekly rinsing will help the turf smell fresh and stay odor free. To eliminate tough smells, treat with vinegar and water.

Stain resistant

Our artificial turf is stain resistant and most spills can be washed away with water. For those tougher stains, use a mild soap with lukewarm water or use equal parts vinegar and water to scrub it out.

Pro Greens and Turf offers an annual maintenance agreement to keep your putting green or artificial turf looking and performing like new for years to come.